KYVE Storage Protocol Incentive Test Tutorial

3 min readMay 20, 2022


KYVE is a storage protocol based on the Cosmos SDK that can store any data and has built-in verification capabilities. By leveraging the Arweave blockchain, data can be stored permanently and immutably.


Kyve’s incentivized testnet will be open for two months.

2% of the supply (20,000,000 $KYVE) is allocated to the incentivized testnet. The rewards are distributed as follows:
Pool A reward leaderboard for top 5,000 participants (5,000,000 $KYVE)
Top 10,000 participants (5,000,000 $KYVE) in Pool B reward leaderboard
Top 2500 or 5000 top node runners (10,000,000 $KYVE)

You must complete design, community and engineering tasks to earn points to rank high on the leaderboard
Go to and connect your Keplr wallet. It will automatically ask you to add the KYVE Korellia network.
Then click “Facuet” and claim your testnet $KYVE from all 3 sources (Twitter, Discord, and Wheel Spin). For Discord and Wheel Spins, you can claim them every day, and each claim will be rewarded with Mission Points.

Click on the option “task” to read the description of the relevant task requirements. The task is divided into three parts
1.Community tasks (tasks are easy to complete, so be sure to complete them)
2.Engineering tasks (tasks complete what they can do as required)
3. Content Tasks (content tasks involve making videos/memes/content, etc. to complete what you can do)

You can see what each corresponding task did to get the corresponding reward. Regarding rewards for content production, this requires human review. After the production is complete and published, submit your content production address to the testnet.

Community tasks:

You get 40 points for every like and retweet, but before that, you have to tweet your territorial address. Generate and forward directly through the KYVE testnet, and click the relevant button.

Engineering tasks:

The main tasks of the machine are governance voting, pool pledge, pool Funding, and running nodes. You can choose tasks that can be completed according to your ability.

Content Tasks:

Content production will earn more points. We can make tutorials related to KYVE interaction, such as text or video. Of course, if the video content passes, you’ll get a higher score.After completing the main content tasks, you can rank very high.

Then it’s retweeting every day, liking the official Twitter, and receiving water.

To view your own scores and rankings, click on “Korellia Profile”.






